7 Reactions to The Piano Teacher
By Jimmy Chen
5. Face fucked vomit
By now things are really messed up between the piano teacher and her pupil. She follows him uninvited to his hockey practice (yah, many talents, a renaissance man) and tries to blow him in the locker room. He, having ambivalently acclimated to her desire to be humiliated, ends of “face fucking” her. (In regular fellatio, the woman, arguably empowered, controls the thrusting momentum; with face fucking, she resigns the volition over to the man, whose agendas are selfish.) This is abruptly stopped short when she barfs up some crepes or something (the film doesn’t get into her diet). I was a bit angry with the pupil for not working with her gag-reflex with a little more sensitivity.
Colloquial reaction: “Dude.”