7 Things That Suck About Having A Small, Intimate Wedding


1. It’s impossible to find a banquet hall with minimums that work for you. When you’re only inviting fifty or sixty people to your wedding, you’re going to be turned down by venues who aren’t interested in holding your reception. The less people you invite, the less money they make. That means your only options are going to be small restaurants and backrooms at bars — which is a problem when you’ve always dreamed of holding your wedding in a banquet hall with a sprawling dance floor and DJ.

2. People are going to be offended they aren’t invited. If you don’t invite children, someone will be annoyed. If you don’t invite an aunt you haven’t seen in ten years who isn’t even friends with you on social media, someone will be annoyed. You would think people would be kinder to you as your wedding day approaches — but that’s not the case. When you get married, you’re going to piss people off.

3. You’re not going to be saving as much money as you think. Weddings are expensive. Even though you might not be spending as much money on food and a cake as your friends who had 300+ weddings, you’re still going to have to hire a photographer and buy a dress and purchase flowers and figure out your transportation. If you have your heart set on a ‘traditional wedding’ you’re still going to be spending a fortune no matter how small your guest list is.

4. You’ll get severely upset whenever someone turns down their invitation. If you invited hundreds of people, it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if a dozen of them decided they weren’t going to fly out to see you. You wouldn’t even notice them missing. But you’re only inviting the people who mean the most to you, so when someone turns you down, it feels like a huge deal. You take it to heart because you really wanted them there.

5. Your wedding party will take up most of the guest list. Most of the people in your wedding are going to be standing at the alter beside you. You’re not going to have too many seats in the audience filled, but that’s okay, because you don’t want to invite random people just to create a bigger crowd. You don’t want near strangers at your own wedding.

6. You worry about strange little things. You worry the dance floor will be empty since there aren’t many people invited. You worry people will leave early because they aren’t having any fun. You worry the day won’t feel as special since there aren’t many people to celebrate with you.

7. There will be a moment when you wonder whether you should have made more friends. Some people assume you’re having an intimate wedding to save money or to keep things low-key. When the real reason is that you don’t have that many close friends and family members, you start to wonder if something is wrong with you. You wonder whether you’re pathetic for having such a small wedding. You wonder whether you should have made more friends throughout your life.

Of course, at the end of the day, you realize your quality of friendships is much more important than the quantity. You realize you’re lucky to be marrying your best friend. Nothing else really matters.