6 Ways To Better Manage Your Time
By Lev Novak
Time is strange.
Nothing is more valuable and plodding. You spend time and kill it. Five minutes can be a second or a year, in context. Days and weeks vary wildly in worth and perception.
Time has been the one thing hardest for man to grasp and own.
So here we are, reading internet advice.
1. Be Purposeful
Moments used purposefully are beyond valuable, because those accomplishments flood over the impacts of regular time: a successful workout, for example, changes the rest of your your upcoming week more than internet browsing. Much of our time is dissolved, intentionally or otherwise, and it should be. We’re made for that. It is a uniquely human pleasure to ‘waste’ time, and it’s that recharging that gives contrast and weight to the time we spend.
But time is still a currency, and it can be better used than we think. Even the idea of using it purposefully as an investment can make us more productive, and isn’t it easy to retain an idea?
2. Make A Frame
A frame is different than a plan, because plans are terrible. Plans are rigid tyranny. You strive against them.
But a frame is a flexible window that encases the broader idea of what you care about. Frame your time and find where and how you most prize it. Give it a little mindfulness. A larger idea of your purpose and ambitions will quietly enhance your time management. With sincerity and a pinch of thought, you can frame your day better.
Think of it this way: when you have a reason to do something, you get it done.
3. Be Positive
You rush to do things you like, and you procrastinate and resent the rest.
So, do things you like.
Obviously that doesn’t mean eating cake all day, but even that’s fine. You wouldn’t want that. So, find reasons to do the things you “should” that don’t feel like chores. Choose the personal and the positive: choose the gym because you like the way it makes you feel, not that you think you should. Eat heathy because you like the energy.
If you slip it’s because you want to- also legit- and this means your time and energy will be more productive. You’ll waste less time in postponing when you’re eager to jump to what you like.
4. All Time Isn’t Created Equal
How long does it take to get an hour of writing?
If you answered an hour, you’re not a writer.
Time is unequally spent. Twenty actual minutes of work is better than an hour grazing on the internet at work. A properly done and optimized thirty minute work-out is better than an hour of incorrectly twisting your back on crunches that put you out of commission.
With the above (a good framework, being positive) your spent time will be more likely to be more effective. Which reminds me…
5. Know When To Fold ‘Em
The law of diminishing terms is super real. But it cuts in more ways than you think.
First, most obviously, you have to know when you’re burnt out. Your all nighter isn’t a great idea; sleep is clutch and, importantly, sleepless studying is way less effective (see #4.) Quitting is an important part of time management because only you know when it’s not working.
Don’t worry about what it should be. Worry about what it is. Quit when you should. Varying your activities to keep yourself efficient is way better than mindless plodding for diminishing returns. As long as you do things positively within your framework you can switch to a parallel access.
Postpone work with cleaning or cooking! Take the nap you need- now’s as good a time as either- or see a friend you’ve been meaning to see.
Fold the monotonous and refresh your energy.
6. Use It
Easier said than done, but come on: let’s do it.
Find a way to conquer your fear that boxes in your time to the easy, stale and routine. I’m more guilty of this than most, but it’s an idea I want to share.
Time is a currency. Spend it well.