If You Send Mixed Signals, You Do Not Deserve Her
If you only text her when you are wasted but leave her on read the rest of the time, then you do not deserve her attention. You do not deserve the way she texts back moments after seeing your name on the screen because she is too excited about talking to you to keep you waiting for more than a few minutes. You do not deserve how hard she tries to keep the conversation going because she wants to hear from you, even if it means losing sleep and chugging an extra coffee in the morning.
If you flirt with her one week and then go missing the next week, then you do not deserve her consistency. You do not deserve the way she drops anything when you ask for her. You do not deserve how reliable she is, how trustworthy she is, how kindhearted she is. You do not deserve a girl like her, who is always there for you at any time of day or night, even though you can barely bother to send a text back.
If you flirt with other girls behind her back because you are interested in keeping your options open, then you do not deserve the loyalty she has already given you. You do not deserve the comfort of knowing, no matter what you do, she is never going to choose someone else over you. She is going to stay because she likes you that much. Because she would not do anything to risk losing you.
If you have excuses whenever she asks to see you but expect her to come running when you ask, you do not deserve a second of her time. You do not deserve the way she will rearrange her schedule to see you. You do not deserve the attention she throws in your direction even though you have been ignoring her lately. You do not deserve the spotlight she shines in your direction.
If you are only interested in sleeping with her even though you can tell she is looking for a serious relationship, then you do not deserve the early morning texts she sends. You do not deserve the compliments that fall from her lips. You do not deserve to hear the lilt of her laugh or touch the smooth of her skin. You do not deserve to be in the same city as her, let alone inside of her empty bedroom.
If you lead her on with no intention of actually dating her, then you do not deserve the love she has been holding for you. You do not deserve the sugary sweet words that are always on the tip of her tongue. You do not deserve the confidence you are given when she walks into a room and beams because she sees you standing there.
If you hurt her without feeling guilty about it, you do not deserve her forgiveness. For wasting her time. For abusing her soft heart. For considering her a backup plan. You do not deserve a second chance with her because she gave you a million opportunities to do the right thing and you failed every time. You decided you would rather stay single than choose her — and because of that, you do not deserve a girl like her.