5 Reasons Why Amy Poehler Should Be Everyone’s Role Model
1. She’s hilarious—a brilliant comedian that will surely be looked upon as one of history’s greatest. From Saturday Night Live, Mean Girls and Baby Mama, to starring as Leslie Knope on Parks and Recreation, Amy lives her life to make others laugh. She’s managed to turn her five-year role as Leslie Knope, a small-town government employee fiercely dedicated to serving her townspeople, into an icon for selflessness, determination, and unapologetic she-power. Amy’s absolutely fearless in her approach to comedy, and believes that everyone can find confidence in silliness.
2. When she’s not producing or starring in a super awesome television show, movie, or hosting giant awards shows as part of the coolest BFF duo to ever live (do I even have to say “Tina Fey”?), she focuses her energy on her movement aimed to empower young women. The movement, called Smart Girls at the Party, is a social media network for sharing uplifting stories about women who do incredible things for the world in every area, from politics to art and music. However, perhaps the most well known portion of the movement is her web series called “Ask Amy,” in which she answers questions from young girls seeking advice. She records these advice videos out of her home, on set, or anywhere she has the spare time (somehow!) to make a new video. In these videos, Amy always speaks from the bottom of her heart, and her vulnerability truly shines through as she shares her personal experiences. Plus, she manages to do all this as though she was speaking to a good friend while on a coffee catch-up date.
3. As easily as she can talk the talk, she definitely follows through with the walk: in 2013, Amy traveled to Haiti with the Worldwide Orphans Foundation (WWO) to care for and play with children who don’t receive much affection (you can read more about her trip in this Huffington Post article). Then, Amy and actor Jon Hamm hosted an Emmy’s “losers party” that had an admission fee benefitting WWO. Oh, AND she went on to give an incredibly humble, tear-inducing speech about how many children lack and yet so greatly deserve love across the globe at Variety’s Power of Women Awards, saying “There are so many children in the world who have nothing… Who are we to be in this room and living this life without helping them?” She continues to be an advocate for care and support of the world’s orphans, especially in a country like America where we have so many opportunities that others aren’t always afforded.
4. She’s writing a book to drop in fall of this year. According to a New York Times article, the publisher says it’s “inspired in part by Poehler’s interest in helping young women navigate the adult world,” and that it will be “an illustrated, nonlinear diary full of humor and honesty and brimming with true stories, fictional anecdotes and life lessons.” It sounds amazing like everything else she does, but let’s face it: if Amy doodled some flaming turds in a notebook, I would still buy it and manage to see the world’s most inspirational message in it.
5. She’s a loving mom of two boys, ages 3 and 5, and normal woman who hates seeing pictures of herself. I think it’s safe to say that she lives a life many women dream of: motherhood, success, happiness, and living to serve and benefit others. It is for these reasons and infinite more, that I think that women and girls would be extremely hard pressed to find a single role model better than the selfless, hardworking, and phenomenal Amy Poehler.