To The Guy That Didn’t Take A Chance On Me
This is to the guy that slipped through my fingers, because he didn’t want to take a chance on me.
This is to the guy that got my hopes up, and in turn let me fall back on my own.
This is to the guy that asked me out, but then was too busy to follow through.
This is to the guy that stayed in contact, but would disappear when he got too close.
This is to the guy that admitted he had feelings, but never took the time to show them.
This is to the guy that let me see all the good sides of him, and then let me crash into the dark side.
This is to the guy that made me open myself up in ways I didn’t think I could anymore, but was busy shutting himself off from doing the same.
This is to that guy that gave me such a temporary high, just to bring me to such a deep low.
This is to the guy that felt I was good enough for a sleepover, but not a night out on the town.
This is to the guy that may read this and question if this is about him, because there are so many more of you, than there are of us.
This is to all the guys out there that are not giving girls chances, but complain that that they can’t find one.
This is to all the guys that say they are good guys and only get crazy girls.
This is to all the guys out there that are toying with girls emotions.
This is to all the guys out there that don’t think before they speak.
This is to all the guys out there that think they can find better.
This is to all the guys out there that are just looking for attention.
This is to all the guys out there that think they know what they are doing.
This is to all the guys out there that think they know her, instead of trying to learn.
To all the guys out there that haven’t taken a chance on a girl.
From all of us good girls, you missed out.
From all of us good girls, you will not find better.
From all of us good girls, you do not deserve better.
From all of us good girls, this is why you are alone.
From all of us good girls, we would have given you a second chance.
From all of us good girls, don’t mess up on the next one, if there is a next one.
From all of us good girls, we are worth the risk.
From all of us good girls, fuck you.