7 Ways To Get Through A Rough Patch In Your Relationship


Any type of relationship, whether it is between family members, people we work with, friends, or customers we serve, takes a lot of work to maintain and build upon. However, the one you have with Your ‘Special One’ takes a little more than the others.

The cement that guides our relationships is trust, compassion, and acceptance of the other. As well, differences must be taken into account – no two people are alike or have the same interests, and while you naturally seek commonalities to share, accommodating both differences and compatibilities is essential for long-lasting connection.

Upon your togetherness, you learn that you do not always have a bouquet of roses and life is definitely not all that rosy. Yes, it does come with the stem of thorns on it. However, with each passing day or month, we realize to ‘survive’ in the relationship. While facing a hard time in a relationship, we must not forget the following:

1. Think positively about the situation that you’re in: Not many of us think positively all the time, which results in many of us worrying too much over a small situation and getting obsessive over it. So, to think positively, just close your eyes, clear your mind and tell yourself, be positive. Look on the brighter side of the situation. Don’t think of things passively or negatively, it’ll just give you more stress and it will lower your self-confidence at the same time.

2. Never be afraid or make him/her afraid: We tend to make a big mistake by not being open and frank with the partner. Do not beafraid to express you mind to your partner and never ever make him/her afraid to tell you what’s on their mind.When people communicate to each other many of the issues can be melted down. An issue, when ignored for several days on a stretch can take forms of anger, frustration, dislike etc., and get expressed in the most undesirable manners. Let the communication between partners be a frequent element and no one should hold the words when he/she really wants to talk.

3. Appreciate everything that you have: We have heard this lot of times. How philosophical can this get. Howsoever, try it. It works. By just taking a few minutes of your day, to just think about what’s in front of your eyes, what you have now; for example, your friends and family. Appreciate each and every one of them, as they are always there for you, and they have your back.

4. Smile: They say that once togetherness seeps in, we forget that we can make ourselves smile too. We tend to give the right of our Smile-o-meter to our partner leading to dissatisfaction. Don’t ever let situations make you fade away your smile.It’s been proven that even if you don’t feel so good, smiling anyway instantly improves your mood.

5. Always support each other: Yeah, although sometimes all we want to do is grab the nearest item and throw it at your partner, never ever leave your partner unsupported. Whatever be the opinions and ideas, know that you are the only one he/she can lean for support. When both of you are alone, you can argue among yourself on points you disagree with the other one, but in public both of you have only one mind. Holding the hands, especially when he/she is sad or broken, is helpful to convey you care for the person. Once you have decided to live together, then no questions of separation may arise, even in the opinions.

6. Know that life is a journey, not a destination: We all make this huge blunder of only criticizing our partner’s and behave like as if life is come to a “The End” after the knot of togetherness. We fail to understand that a new chapter has just begun and a journey has taken its lead. Journey may be adventurous, romantic, unhealthy, lifeless, and exciting and many other adjectives but the motive is to not stop and not give up. Because, it is you yourself who has chosen this journey of life with full acceptance of the terms and conditions(that are not listed before the journey but only come along the way).

7. Remember all the good things that you’ve done and the good times you’ve been through today: Finally, do this at the end of a long, tiring day. It should put a smile on your face, and make you feel accomplished. And then, kick out the bad thoughts out of your mind, and just close your eyes, relax, and sleep.