15 Things You Should Know Before Dating A ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Fan
By De Elizabeth
1. It is impossible for us to wear black hoodies or red coats without making some kind of A reference.
2. During the months of June, July, and August, as well as January, February, and March, Tuesday nights at 8pm are sacred – along with one particular Tuesday in October. And maybe December.
3. If for some reason we can’t be home to watch a new episode live, we are absolutely, under no circumstances, able to check any social media feeds until we do. Sorry, we didn’t see your funny tweet because we were afraid of spoilers.
4. During “off” seasons, you’ll likely find us binge-watching old episodes on Netflix, hungrily searching for clues. The words “Previously on ‘Pretty Little Liars’” will become burned in your brain.
5. Don’t even think about saying anything negative about our favorite OTP. We ship Haleb, Spoby, and Ezaria for life.
6. Everything and anything is subject to becoming a clue. We turn into CSI characters while watching old episodes. Wait! Right there! Freeze that! Enhance that!
7. You don’t have to pull a Mr. Fitz to date one of us – despite what you may believe, not all “PLL” fans are teenagers.
8. We’re not easily duped. “PLL” has toyed with our heartstrings enough that we have learned to second-guess every idea that pops into our brains.
9. We’re clever – “PLL” fans have to be clever. We’ve deciphered more anagrams than Nancy Drew herself (Charles DiLaurentis, I’m looking at you) and we’re constantly bringing out our inner Spencer Hastings by solving problems. You’ll want us on your side when you’ve got a conundrum that stumps you.
10. If we ever get a text at the same time as our friends, we’ll instinctively think that it’s obviously from A.
11. We have some pretty strong theories about who A actually is – and it will probably take us the better part of an hour to explain every reason why. But if you take the time to listen, you’ll accrue major bonus points.
12. Similarly, we can spend hours reading other people’s theories online. The #PLLTheory hashtag on Twitter or Instagram is the blackest of black holes.
13. If we ever road trip through Pennsylvania, we’ll demand a stop in Rosemont – the town that the fictional “Rosewood” is based on.
14. You can actually tell a lot about our personalities based upon the main character with whom we most strongly identify. Ask us which girl we’d be best friends with – the answer will reveal more than you think.
15. At the end of the day, all we want is to be loved like Caleb loves Hanna. Unless, of course, he’s actually Big A/Charles.