Forgiving May Not Be Forgetting, But It Is Healing


Forgiving is not forgetting, but it is a step towards healing. When you’re able to forgive, you’re able to let go of the pain, the hurt, the anger, the sadness, the brokenness, and the despair. And when that happens you become lighter.

You’re allowing yourself to be free.

Free from the weight of those negative emotions. The pain, the hurt, the anger, the sadness, the brokenness, the despair, and the hopelessness are all anchors. They weigh you down. They fight to pull you deep beneath the ocean that they create, and they do not rest until you are fully submerged.

Break through the surface.

You can remember the pain, the hurt, the anger, the sadness, the brokenness, the despair, and the hopelessness without letting them define your future self. You can recognize that you’ve lived in those spaces, that you’ve felt those things, that they’ve let you to this point and this moment. But you don’t have to force yourself to stay there.

Acknowledge it, and move on.

Let yourself let it go. 

When you let go you make room in your heart and in your life for happiness. For joy. For love. For light. For wonder. For healing. When you let go of what’s weighed you down, you are able to find footing in the space that you now find yourself in.

There’s freedom in forgiveness. There’s power in saying I’m not going to let what was heavy break my spirit for forever. There’s freedom in seeing the cracks and tarnishes in your armor, and building yourself into something new.

Do not be scared of the newness.

You are still, you. Just a new version. An update, if you will. You are still the person you were before, and you are the person who has withstood the fires of despair, too. That combination of the before and after is something new. But like a Phoenix that rises from ashes, it is beautiful.

And so are you.

Acknowledge the pain of what once was, and let it go. Remember what brought you there in the first place, and focus on where you would like to go from this point forward.

You can break through the surface.