This Is Why Your Bad Days Are As Important As Your Good Days


On your worst of days, you will stumble upon the things that make you strong. They will turn your insecurities into something you can be proud of, your fears into what you can overcome, and your downfalls into what brings you the most peace. You may feel the strain and the discomfort of times that may not go as planned, the uncertainty of the unknown, and the anxiety of what is yet to arrive. But it is in those moments, you gain the tenacity to see things through, persistence to continue to believe in the impossible, and a relentless heart to love who you are through it all.

The joy in your greatest days come from your most difficult moments, the peace in your most serene thoughts is what you’ve mastered from chaotic times, and the abundance of optimism you have came from the negative thoughts that once believed everything you were not. A bad day will teach you the most valuable life lessons, remind you that you are stronger than you think, and encourage you to embrace the beauty in adversity with open arms at all times.

Flowers can’t grow without the rain, a seed is covered in the dirt before it sprouts above the surface, and after a storm occurs, the most colorful rays of light invade the blue skies.

Your bad days may make you believe that everything is falling apart, that there is no longer a light at the end of the tunnel, or that things will never get better. But it is those same days that everything will unknowingly come together, that the cracks in your heart can fully let in the things that are meant to heal you, and that you will stumble upon an immense amount of strength from your greatest source of power. They are the places that will break you to heal you, make you uncomfortable to make you invincible, and remind you that the sun always rises after every dark night.

I hope you learn to value your darkest nights as much as your brightest days. I hope the moon comforts you in the thought that the light is still present even in the darkest corners. I hope you don’t wish your bad days away but learn to understand them and embrace them. I hope you learn to see the beauty in shortcomings, disappointments, and missed opportunities, as what is meant for you will never pass you by. I hope your worst days empower your greatest strengths, nurture your greatest power, and inspire those who thought it wasn’t possible.

May it lead to your best days yet to come.