This Is Why Your Bad Days Are As Important As Your Good Days
The joy in your greatest days come from your most difficult moments.
The joy in your greatest days come from your most difficult moments.
I hope you shoot for the moon so you may land amongst the stars, but I also hope you stop and smell the roses before getting there.
Remember how your spirit and soul has given enough inspiration to those who needed it the most.
I miss your smile, your warmth, your open arms, your mind, and mostly your spirit. You always knew how to make me feel like I was destined for more.
I hope you know that your journey to self-love does not end when you enter a relationship.
I have known fat shaming my whole life, and it has done nothing but give me negative feelings toward my body.
I never gave up hope, because even through the chaos, I knew I was bound to meet him one day.
Each and every one of my achievements are all because of you, because you have made me such strong woman. You are responsible for part of the inner strength I have, the logic that saves me from any situation, and the relentless determination to finish everything I start.
I know who you are, you’re the girl who’s sitting on her bed right now probably thinking how you’re going to…
Thank you for being the man who values the importance of slow paced relationships.