Be Proud Of Every Step You Take (Even The Tiny Ones)
By Sam Maracic
Be proud that you’re making steps, even if small, toward your dreams.
Be proud that you’re working- taking action in the direction of something bigger than yourself. Something that will at some point, even if not today or tomorrow, bring you closer to where you’re meant to be.
Have faith in your ability to plan. Maybe not thoroughly quite yet, but to aim and operate nonetheless.
Be proud that you’re not without fear. That at times you are frightened and confused. And yet despite the uncertainty in yourself, you’re maneuvering anyway. You’re facing the doubt head on.
Know that you are making progress.
With every cent saved and lesson learned, you are becoming a better version of yourself.
Be proud that you are rallying for your future.
That success hasn’t simply happened overnight.
That you can appreciate the journey for what it is: an adventure.
Be proud that you’re caring for yourself. Moving, cooking a meal, reading a book. Appreciate that simple ability to support your own needs. Perhaps it feels silly or insignificant, but it is proof that you are more fortunate than most.
Be proud of the trust you have placed in this process. Your gratitude for what is and your optimism for what may be: herein lies your power. It is a reminder that perspective is everything. Be proud to have acquired that wisdom.
Find satisfaction in all that you have done, even if you feel like you’re just getting started. You’ve made it this far, and that’s something.
Be proud you’ve chosen to take the road less traveled. Be proud of your innate desire to want more. Have gratitude for the people that surround you. For the ones who lift you up and hold your hand, for the people who bring light to your journey.
But also find thanks for the ones who don’t. For the doubters, the naysayers and the nonbelievers, they’ve made you a different kind of strong. Resilient, resolute & pliable. You are you because of them, as well.
Never forget, you matter. Your effort, your loyalty, your commitment. Be proud because those are the attributes that hold weight.
Find faith in the failures, the slow starts and the bumps in the road. They aren’t hindering your greatness, they are creating it.