5 Inevitable Things That Happen When Your Long-Term Relationship Ends
For the first days, weeks, months (or, okay, years) after the break up, the struggle to find happiness again is REAL.
For the first days, weeks, months (or, okay, years) after the break up, the struggle to find happiness again is REAL.
1. You have many friends (regardless if they’re real or fake)
Sometimes all you need is that one friend and good music to get you through the day.
You can say goodbye and think of it as letting go but that doesn’t always work; you may wake up one night when the pain finally and suddenly comes crashing down out of nowhere from the distant past. That’s why saying goodbye isn’t easy, unless you really mean it.
People nag because there’s something their partner isn’t giving to them. Name it: time, attention, love, sex, whatever. But this isn’t helping.