Guns Don’t Kill People, Freedom Kills People?

You don’t give kids a lot of freedom. Kids are too impressionable and vulnerable for freedom. You don’t give a 7-year-old the right to buy alcohol, get married, or drive their bike too far from the neighborhood (let alone drive a car) because the consequences would be catastrophic.

How To Understand Your Neighbor

If your favorite show is 30 Rock, you read Thought Catalog, and you wear jeans and a t-shirt at work while you stare a computer screen all day, you are quite likely to have a very different 5,000-word speaking vocabulary from someone whose favorite show is South Park, favorite site is Bleacher Report, and wears a uniform all day while they operate heavy machinery.

How Can You Ever Know Yourself?

If you think about it, there is actually no way for you to ever see what you truly look like, to see your body in reality.

All Love Ends In Heartbreak

When I woke up and saw she was still there, I told her I had just had a horrible nightmare and moved out of bed to touch her, to feel her skin. “Just don’t,” she said. I stared at her face, observing her, feeling myself transform in her eyes…

We Are All Incredibly Closed-Minded?

Why do I know my friends from Texas are going to think Romney crushed it, while my liberal parents up north are going to say it was all a lie?