It May Sound Crazy But Abandoning Your Goals Is The Key To Achieving Them
“Goals are for losers.” Systems are the way to go!
“Goals are for losers.” Systems are the way to go!
“Better dead than Red” is what they used to say during the Cold War. But wouldn’t it simply be better to punch a Red right in his good-for-nothing face?
Machiavelli said it was better for a prince to be feared than loved. At the very least, Donald Trump has made it clear that it’s better to be loved and hated than not cared about at all. After all, you can win an election even if 49 percent of the country hates your guts.
The old “find something you’re passionate about” career advice is deeply flawed.
First and foremost, stop worrying about “stuff” entirely.
There’s a world of difference between opposing the use of something and outlawing it all together.
“Always be willing to walk away.”
Waking up is basically the bane of my existence. My entire family chronically gets up late so maybe it’s genetic?
The next block looked like a deserted wreck from a bombed out, third world country. That probably should have been the first sign we should try another route.
When you buy something on credit, that’s exactly what you are doing; paying more for it than it actually costs.