This Is What It Really Means To Find Yourself
You’re not missing. You’re just a work in progress.
You’re not missing. You’re just a work in progress.
I won’t doubt myself again and you shouldn’t either. Here’s why.
Your constant reinvention of yourself is not inconsistency or flakiness, it is adaptation. It is growth. It is strength.
I love me.
It has become apparent to me that we wear “being busy” like a badge of honor.
I’m trying to get somewhere… I think? That’s what they say. You have to keep moving to get where you want to be.
Learn from your emotions, do your best to understand the journey that brought you to this rawness, and in doing that you will see yourself and love yourself for who you actually are.
Do not limit yourself to a belief that your life will turn out this way or that way, just believe that wherever you end up, it will be positive, an incredible journey—it will be everything you ever wanted, and even possibly a whole lot more than that.