How To Introduce Your Boyfriend

If you were anyone else, I’d worry about misinterpreted signals, but this relationship is so obviously platonic, so clearly brother-sisterly, I don’t worry about it.

13 Images Of Cats As Your Favorite Superheroes

The mind reels, unable to comprehend such an obvious void in the vast directory of images on the internet has gone unfilled until now, but here it is at last–Benedict Cumberbatch as a dapper cat.

You’re Too Fat, Cat

Your role as the primary affection receptacle remains unaffected, has only grown in fact, particularly after Human Jennifer left to “find a boyfriend with a real job.” More to love, more to squeeze, that’s what I say.

Let’s Ban High School Football

But while eliminating high school bullying entirely is tricky as children will always be psychopathic little goblins to some extent, this one’s easy: cancel football.