I Throw The Best Parties

Why don’t you take a seat on my air mattress? I filled it to optimum capacity before you got here in case you wanted to sit on a soft object.

How To Write A Love Letter

“Dear” is trite and formal, but you also don’t want to immediately frighten her off with a “My Beloved” or “Precious Angel”.

You Don’t Need Anything

The way I see it, every object you own is connected to you by a string like the house in ‘Up,’ and each string is tied to a fishhook embedded in your abdomen.

Download The Death Alert App

Every time anyone anywhere dies, your phone issues a bloodcurdling shriek, and the deceased’s name, age, and cause of death appears on your screen.

Why You Should Work From Home

You can complete your work, unencumbered by the psychic incursions of non-self animals, uninterrupted by the social compulsion to greet and discuss weather/traffic/Amanda Bynes.