This Is Your Choice: How Planned Parenthood Helped Me Take Back Control Over My Health And My Body
It is not something I wanted to worry about every year, and I didn’t see myself wanting children in the near future.
It is not something I wanted to worry about every year, and I didn’t see myself wanting children in the near future.
I always live by the motto “Life is too important to be taken seriously,” laugh off situations that are not ideal, and keep going.
It’s a hard pill to swallow
When a story is technically your own,
But the narrative
Doesn’t belong to you.
The waves on my foot, the tattoo I’m most proud of, represent the cycles of depression, that I’ve fought for most of my life.
The window is large now, almost comically so.
I still feel the need to excuse myself from a conversation when I hear beautiful women, whom I admire talk negatively about themselves.
If you’re finding that you’re having trouble concentrating in class and remembering things that happened earlier in the day, you should discuss this with your doctor, as it can be an indicator of depression.
If you are struggling with anxiety or panic attacks, talk with your doctor to develop a management plan.
How do you go out to eat?
The family vacation is your birthday gift