Cheat On Me Once, Shame On You. Cheat On Me Twice, Shame On…

Percent likelihoods based on qualitative interviews with cheated-on criers, mopers, sadsacks revenge-focused psychos, and unstoppable chocolate eaters who, like everybody, just want someone to love them for who they are with a kind of reckless abandon.

44 Ways To Access Your Nearest Polling Place

Use the self-checkout aisle of CVS in order to avoid the cashier who always for some reason sees you buying condoms and Twizzlers at the same time, before getting inside a monkey costume and freeballing it to the polls.

A Helpful Guide To California’s 2012 Ballot Initiatives

All foods containing more than 25% of your recommended daily saturated fat, 20% of your sodium, or refined starches will be labeled “Poison Pellets,” “Fat Patties,” or “Baby Carrots That Never Called or Even Texted Their Full-Length Parents in Their Past Life, So Got Reborn as Tostitos Scoops.”