Why Do People Still Get Married?

We are all currently seeing countless friends and acquaintances announce, with a strange, almost demanding kind of fervor, that they are getting married. They post photos of rings and statuses of how happy they are, and accrue “likes” and comments from friends and people who aren’t remotely close enough to be invited to the ceremony.

Stop Telling Me To Travel, I Have No Money

I am not less cultured because I don’t often get to leave my home state. I am not less interesting or intelligent or worthy because I fill my blog with places I would like to go but have not yet been able to.

11 Things You Can Forgive Yourself For

Unless you committed some kind of legal/ moral atrocity, no one will remember how you spent half of the evening trying to convince a houseplant to come home with you.

You’re My Ex, Not My Friend

We have nothing in common. I think back on our relationship and struggle to pin down what exactly kept us together for two years.

8 Signs You’re The Problem

You know you’re out of control when people have to schedule a date, make sure there are witnesses around, and practice what to say to you just to address you about your behavior.