$45 Million Paid for Product Placement in New James Bond Flick

$45 million is going to be raised for product and brand placement in the latest installment of the James Bond series. This figure will mean the new film, yet untitled other than by its codename “Bond23,” will command the highest price for product placement in cinema history.

French Riot Police Lose Right to Drink on the Job

France’s Interior Ministry began scrutinizing the CRS’s alcohol consumption last week when a photo circulated of an officer drinking a beer while policing a protest led by high school students.

10 Films to Make You Cry

Some people don’t cry during movies, but if you’re the type who isn’t opposed to a good cry, and you’re moved by the power of cinema, these films will likely have you shedding at least a tear or two. Some will have you reaching for a tissue simply because they’re so unbelievably sad, while others are more likely to overwhelm because their combination of images and sounds matched with a sad subject matter.

Thirty Contemporary Filmmakers You Should Watch

These filmmakers, who come from all around the world, have all made a film within the last decade. It’s not an exhaustive list, nor a definitive list — surely some important names were left out, to make room for the lesser-known. Nonetheless, they all are worth watching.

Acronyms that Should Take Off

What follows is a list of acronyms that I think should be adopted because the way they desribe certain social or sexual phenomena. I may or may not be the first person to have used them, and the list is by by no means exhaustive.

New Study Says Senior Citizens Contracting More STDs Than Youth

There are a number of factors influencing the increase. Today’s seniors come from a generation of liberated youth that was accustomed to frequent sex without connies, and was taught little in the way of STD prevention. The emergence of medications such as Viagra has enabled seniors to continue to have healthy amounts of sex, and because so many seniors live in retirement communities, there are many opportunities to get laid.

WTF, Just Answer Your Phone

Text messaging has revolutionized the way we communicate with each other. In my own life, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will simply never talk to certain people on the phone. No matter how inconvenient and irritating it is to send endless amounts of text messages to coordinate a date or arrange a time to meet, a real phone call will never be answered.

What Ever Happened to Rick Moranis of Honey I Shrunk the Kids?

After discovering My Blue Heaven, Moranis again left my radar. That is, up until very recently, when the guy at the Bodega down the street said I resembled him. It has become a running joke between us, and just yesterday he asked, “So how’s the work on your big comeback going?”

What Ever Happened to Melissa Joan Hart?

Hart’s career in Hollywood has not been fruitful; in 2000 she had a small part in The Specials as “Sunlight Grlll,” where she played an unpopular superhero on her day off. The film was given an “R” rating for language. She also starred in a B-horror movie called Nine Dead in 2009, which had trouble finding a distributor. Most of her career in movies has been limited to TV productions with titles like Dirt Bag and Hollywood in Handcuffs.