Can You Be Friends With An Ex On Facebook?

An online friendship with an ex invites a myriad of potential hiccups, which makes it rarely seem worth it. The new relationship, life-altering move, promotion, wild party or significantly improved figure can all plunge me into a whirling sea of misery.

Where To Live If You’re An Artist In Your 20s

Only a person on the outside of my experience can really tell me if what I am doing with my life is going to assist my desire. I want to believe I am making all the right moves, but a creative impulse can only truly be validated by outside stimulus. In between all of that pressure and self-doubt, it would be kinda nice to go to the beach.

10 Suggestions For New Parents In Their 20s

Kids affect your life because they need attention. That does not mean that you bring your baby to every social activity as a compromise. No matter how ‘clever’ your baby seems, he or she does not understand what is happening during Men in Black III.

My Love Letter To Lena Dunham

You’re 25. I’m 27. Do the math, Lena. That’s two extra years of experience that I have on you. I can spend hours talking about those two years and what they meant to me.

5 Tips For Surviving The First Date

Long ago, I made a conscious decision to never allow my sex life to get dull, so I compiled a list of five simple ways to keep my head above water on the first date.

What I Don’t Know About Tao Lin’s Third Novel

I assembled a team of high school dropouts to tell me what would shake them out of their literary apathy and convince them to buy an actual book with words in it. Almost every person responded with ‘a sweet car chase.’ The results of this very scientific poll led me to believe that there will be a taut, tense car chase in the middle of the book.

An E-Mail From My Ex Revealing She Faked All Her Orgasms

Allow me to state, for the record, that of the 247 separate occasions when we fornicated, 87 of those occasions included a discreet, concerted effort by you to give me pleasure. Of those 87 recorded attempts, you were successful a grand total of zero times.

Oh No, I Threw Up In Front Of You!

For me, I know that fun time is over when I throw up. Vomiting is one of the most heinous act you can commit in front of or near someone else. It’s not as egregious as defecation or urination, but more immediate than a mere belch.

Is Hipster Racism Real?

The problem arises when a show is marketed as universal, and the protagonist actually utters the phrase “voice of a generation,” even if it is meant to be comical and absurd.