What I Wish Someone Had Told Me About Recovery

You will honestly have entire days in which you will forget that you are broken. There will, of course, be cracks, but everyone has cracks. Nobody is without their flaws. And holding yourself to some impossible standard without those flaws will get boring after a while.

Is Instagram Envy Really A Thing?

These photos don’t show the fights our friends have with their boyfriends and girlfriends, the hour-long wait they endured to even sit at the bar of that restaurant, or the credit card bill that came with those shoes.

You Should Run In The Winter

Run in the winter, in that calm and peaceful air that reminds you why you run. Because you couldn’t not run. Because not even weather could hold you back.

You Should Work An Entry-Level Job

Answer phones better than anyone else has answered phones before. Relay messages so brilliant, they bring people to tears. Turn the coffee run into the choreography of Swan Lake. Become best friends with every intern and every underling and every taxi driver you encounter.

What Your Favorite Breakfast Food Says About You

If your inner child could see you now, they would weep with the virulence of learning that Santa doesn’t exist. While you’re on your daily quest for fiber and regularity, remember that ghost of your innocence and mix it up every once in a while.