Does Adopting A Cat Mean I’m Going To Die Alone?

The moment you hear of a single person adopting a cat, you see that person lying alone in his apartment, dead, while the cat slowly eats his face. The headline reads, “Kitty Eats Single Man’s Face.”

Words Matter: A Response To Gavin McInnes

Whenever I get wind of a boycott of a publication or website because of something a group of people disagree with them publishing, my split personalities conflict.

7 Reasons Why Jeremy Meeks Is The Hottest Felon Ever

The Internet is having a great conversation about America’s prison problem, which is the largest in the world. By talking about Meeks’ sexiness and making blasé jokes about the loins of only women swooning for him, we are clearly putting a spotlight on the issue.

How Much Does Twitter’s Mute Feature Limit Freedom Of Speech?

It sounds great — you can mute someone that’s live tweeting an event, spewing forth an endless rant, or what have you. But what that mute is actually doing is giving users the right to silence freedom of speech, in a very passive-aggressive way.

What It Feels Like When You Know You Have Cancer

I knew it wasn’t good. Everyone assured me that it was probably something small, certainly not a tumor. It was as if everyone was convincing themselves that it wasn’t a tumor, and I was the only one that was in on the secret.