10 Things You Don’t Need To Be Afraid To Ask For At Your Job
2. A lunch break for a mid-day battery recharge.
2. A lunch break for a mid-day battery recharge.
A lot of people don’t realize it, but there’s something to be gleaned from every working experience, no matter what the job.
Locate the problem areas — a corner table that’s had the same stuff on it for a year, that you keep telling yourself you need, but never actually use? Old books that take up space, that you never lend out, and that you know you’ll never read again? Video games you no longer play anymore? Clothes that just don’t fit right? These are your clutter-problem areas.
Get over yourself and get a ‘business card.’ Give it to people who make a good impression on you.
Today in adorable, a 4-year-old/mom combo answered Reddit’s questions in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) last night and this morning.
Depressed people live on chocolate. It’s fattening, has lots of sugar, and soothes the melancholy soul. Pairs perfectly with Synecdoche, New York, the deep fryer, and sweatpants. Pretty sure everything on this list pairs perfectly with the deep fryer and sweatpants, actually.
V.me is a new “digital wallet” service from Visa that can be used across a range of online retail sites to make purchases with one quick click.
“SATAN LIVES” scratched into an old piece of terribly burnt toast is her first piece of evidence for ghost toast, and a veritable explosion of crumbs and other toaster stuff is the ‘nail in the coffin.’
I sort of stopped scrolling and I think was able to feel what that woman was feeling — awkward for being on the losing team at a party full of losers, sad because she wasn’t winning, defeated because… she was getting defeated, helpless.
When Obama was elected four years ago, Renée Krulich, a member of Seattle-based alt-weekly The Stranger staff, received an accidental text from a stranger.