You’re Allowed To Continue Finding Yourself Throughout Your 20s And 30s
You have to stop putting so much pressure on yourself. You have to stop regretting the things you didn’t know yesterday and be thankful you know them today.
You have to stop putting so much pressure on yourself. You have to stop regretting the things you didn’t know yesterday and be thankful you know them today.
You’re allowed to make a change, even though the thought is scary. Even though it means taking a risk. Even though it means you might end up with some regrets.
Keep going because your feelings are only temporary. These emotions may be strong, but they are fleeting.
Your twenties might be the point when you have to start from scratch. It might be the point when you realize what you’re doing isn’t working and you’re in desperate need of a change.
You’re not the same person as you were weeks, months, or years ago. You’ve grown. You’ve learned. You’re inching closer and closer to your destination, even if you don’t realize it.
You can’t magically make yourself happy. You can’t flick a switch and watch your sadness drain away. You can’t force yourself to feel okay again when you are falling apart on the inside.
Everyone goes through periods of stress — but you don’t have to fight through the discomfort. You don’t have to keep going until you collapse.
Failure means you put yourself out there. You were brave enough to try, to take a chance on yourself, to test your own limitations.
Don’t swear off of love after one bad experience. Don’t close off your heart when all you want is to be loved right.
You are lovable, even if they did not love you.