In Defense Of The ‘Poorly Educated’ Voter

Although “uneducated” doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing as “total idiot,” the underlying assumption you are cognitively hardwired to make is that “uneducated” means “unlearned,” “unknowledgeable,” “unskilled,” and to a certain extent, “uncultured.”

Why It’s Cooler To NOT Drink Or Do Drugs

“The heavy drinkers and drug users have given up on self-discovery and self-fulfillment and self-improvement; rather, they’ve embraced the horrendous mediocrity of their own existences by taking refuge in the short-lived fog of chemical ignorance.”

This Is What It’s Like For Guys With Eating Disorders

“At the beginning of an eating disorder, you feel accomplished. You may not have control over the circumstances of your life or the general world around you, but by golly, you have the ability to control how much you weigh.”

Why the Anti-Trump Protesters Are Wrong

If the anti-free expression backlash we’re seeing against Trump is any indication of where public discourse is headed in the next few years, you better be prepared for an utterly dystopian future. One where if you can’t say anything popular, you’re not allowed to say anything at all.