The Song I Sing

We go to parties and laugh when we get home, falling on top of each other with a rawness we love.

A History Of Everything

First, a thing floating through infinity. There is nowhere it is not, and nothing it can not do.

30 Posts I Never Blogged

5. ‘Who Is The Most Attractive Hipster Essayist?’– Molly Young v Megan Boyle v Sloane Crosley and so on

What To Do With Your Back Hair

Now and for all of eternity, let us know what is good and true when it comes to your amazing and beautiful, sexy as anything in the world, back hair.

The 100 Best 90s Albums

“ATLiens”: If Lennon/McCartney had been born in rural Georgia in the late 70s, this is the album they would’ve made.

My 5 Worst Endings

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is not a movie yet, but I’ll later see it and immediately think of the talks I had with Megan.