Please Love Yourself When They Don’t
You should not have to change any part of you to try and get approval from others.
You should not have to change any part of you to try and get approval from others.
Indigos have a variety of characteristics, which include being great with technology and being high energy.
Virgo: You are feeling overwhelmed, and this is okay. While everything might seem hectic at the moment, you will accomplish all your goals.
The luck of the Irish was with the people who voted to legalize abortions.
13 Reasons Why depicts suicide as the only viable option for Hannah Baker.
Your relationship with your body changes.
Let’s us, as a society, change the language associated with suicide and suicide attempts. Survivors of suicide attempts and those who cared for people who died by suicide deserve better.
Robert Chambers’ nickname, the “Preppy Killer,” came from his educational background, as he attended a handful of affluent institutions. This includes Saint David’s School in New York City, Choate Rosemary Hall, The Browning School, and York Preparatory School.
My parents might have split up, but I am not splitting from hope.