The Holidays Are When You Grieve
They leave cans of beer and letters on his gravestone out in quiet North Dakota. Maybe the dead like those visits, or maybe they just want to sleep.
They leave cans of beer and letters on his gravestone out in quiet North Dakota. Maybe the dead like those visits, or maybe they just want to sleep.
Avocados are supposed to make you pretty, I think. Healthy fats!
Esquire just posted a list called “12 Authors Every Man Must Know.” With entries like Stephen King and Philip Roth, it was the most phoned-in list I’ve read recently…
I’ve been in cars with them when they’re full of liquor, seesawing on their feet but steady on the road. Farm boys have a grasp on a steering wheel, they were born holding it.
I just wanna wallow in some sad, sad songs and hide on the couch with the cat. Do you also feel this way? Good, because I’ve made you a mini-playlist just for that purpose!
What – I believe in love, OK?
December is the loneliest month. I like to be alone. I just don’t like to be lonely.
Why don’t they ever say, “Hey girl! You’re lookin’ a little dead behind the eyes today! Having a rough week?”
You’ve never seen open space like that.
To be honest, working retail has ruined Christmas music for me forever – with the exception of Nat King Cole, George Strait’s “Merry Christmas Strait to You” (I just love puns) and “Hard Candy Christmas” by Dolly Parton.