10 How Tos On Surviving A First Date (Probably)

I’ve had first dates where: I’ve ranted about Katy Perry until the dude put me in a cab, alone; I’ve put too much meat in my mouth and had to spit it into a napkin at the dinner table; and one where the guy was racist against “Asians”.

Why Are Women One-Dimensional?

Sure, we have the odd Hannah Horvath butting her head against the glass ceiling, but we haven’t yet been truly asked to accept women as fully active, autonomous, erratic beings within the cinematic sphere.

Achieve Something Today

The sense of pride that comes with achievement is, believe it or not, more exhilarating than picking dry skin off your toes and stalking your ex-boyfriend’s Facebook.

How To Skin A Rabbit

The first time I saw my yiayia skinning a rabbit, I was a child, and young enough that I don’t remember how old I was when it happened.

You Will Get Fat

My hips widened, naturally, to let a baby through. My body began retaining fat where previously there has been none — specifically, on my tummy, butt, hips and thighs, also presumably for said phantom baby.

Pink Bits

The stories I’ve shared are my own, but they’re really all of ours; stories about our first period, losing our virginity, seeking affirmation through sexual attention, dealing with HPV and finally coming to accept that vagina and woman are inextricably linked, but that the definition of both is broader and more complex than the other.