One Year Later, I No Longer Need You

Losing love leads to capacities realized. The emptiness of this year since has been filled with new spirit, and I am ready with open arms, like you always were.

Go Ahead And Let Me Down

Come into my life, a breath of seemingly fresh air. Teach me that different does not always mean better. Hook me, reel me in. String me along, find that arm’s length that will keep me just within reach for you, but will keep you just out of my own fingers’ grasp.

Life After The Hurricane

There were hundreds of thousands of casualties that the news never honored – the fallen trees. Snarled, upturned roots clawed at people as we struggled to pick up our yards and our lives.

The Girl Who Smiles On The Outside

As happy as I am – and, for the most part, I truly am – you should also know that I, at times, become equally sad. I have a strong urge to cry in regard to pretty much any emotion, at any time.