August Feels Like Life Itself
August feels like life itself; a stunningly intricate web of joy and melancholy.
August feels like life itself; a stunningly intricate web of joy and melancholy.
I flirted with instability as I let the dance encapsulate me, tying and binding me in the wake of its dangerously hypnotizing spell.
You had been eager to go out, to see your family and friends, but now, you feel numb, completely unfeeling.
The golden rule of fashion design also applies to freelance writing: Style matters.
You both will lean on each other in the wake of doubt, push each other to succeed to your fullest potentials, and cheer each other on as you face your biggest challenge together.
You are worthy of knowing that no matter your appearance, your shape, or your size, no matter what society convinces you that you “should” look like, this summer, your body belongs at the beach.
Why does this company want my résumé, a cover letter, a CV, a video I produced, a personality test, three published writing clips, three references, and a singing telegram delivered straight to their door? And why do they need to know which household appliance best represents me?
You find yourself afraid of failure, but downright terrified of success, as success could prove you worthy of the very opportunities from which you run.
My confidence in my abilities has flourished because I have never stopped believing in myself.
Disability comes in all forms and is often invisible, so do not pressure anyone into disclosing their medical history, assume what any given person requires or judge people with invisible disabilities for using the resources to which they’re legally entitled.