This Will Happen When Your Appetite For Success Is Impossible To Satisfy
It is the perfect, cookie-cutter successful story to inspire generations to come, right?
It is the perfect, cookie-cutter successful story to inspire generations to come, right?
I want the passion that connects us without constantly needing to know where we stand and wondering if there are any future possibilities.
It is especially a tough challenge that you are up against when you are normally not used to having such conversations.
What is it that we rather embrace something familiar yet valueless instead of accepting that change is inevitable in some particular cases?
I cannot sweat this enough but self-awareness is such an undervalued concept that a majority do not have a clue how to practice it.
I accepted my fate because I thought it was what I deserved.
It will always be on your side. It will always be there for you, even if everyone else already has left you or have ghosted on you.
This time, I love at a distance, because I am worthy.
Everyone has a routine but only the distracted ones let it consume themselves.
Broken and whole at the same time.