17 #ForeignPeopleProblems Every Expat Understands All Too Well
The struggle that is trying to tell or re-tell a joke that only makes sense in a particular language or cultural context, and failing miserably.
The struggle that is trying to tell or re-tell a joke that only makes sense in a particular language or cultural context, and failing miserably.
In this fictional episode, we see so much reality – the experience of another Black life being unjustly taken, the pain of a father who lost his child, the emotions of a protesting community after the fact, the disagreements between members of the same racial identity who see justice differently on how to deal with racist systems.
Does (White, mainstream) feminism not see Black women? And does #BlackLivesMatter only apply to Black men?
Is it a life or death matter? No? Then it can resolve itself after spin class.
After all, is a girl worth anything if she is not beautiful?
8. Gagnam Style
But because of the times, you might have to be a bit more oblivious about the way your language manifests racism because you know, you wouldn’t want people to flat-out call you a racist or something like that.
The thing about black history is that the truth is so much more complex than anything you could make up.
As you get a grip on adulthood, or at least as you try to, you will realize more and more, the importance of making good friends.
7. You have inside jokes between you and your friend’s parents that not even your friend is privy to.