Ways To Know He Can Do Better Than You
Sometimes, he really can do better than us. Sometimes, we really are just a bit of a bitch.
Sometimes, he really can do better than us. Sometimes, we really are just a bit of a bitch.
I wish you love, and light, and I know you are not a terrible human being – not really.
So what if I got it fixed? What if I had a little work done so that I could free my mind from worry about where my lips seemingly merge into the rest of my body by sorting out the one thing that bothers me – really, truly troubles me – about the way I look?
I’m not sharing these stories for the select few asshats of the Internet who use the vocalised vulnerabilities of a female writer to get their rocks off.
I wonder if the most important lesson we could ever hope to learn is actually all about where we end.
Clear out the ghosts in your closet.
What I have to tell myself, over and over again, is that the inches of my waist are not directly proportional to my attractiveness to the opposite sex, my worthiness as a female, or ability to blow a man’s mind.
There are no wrong feelings.
Children are a part of who I am, and if I do not become a mother then I’ve done it wrong.
The battle isn’t won. There are still more men than women in the top spots of almost every profession.