This Is Your Reminder That You Do Not Have To Shrink For Anyone
You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to stretch your arms out and feel no shame for existing.
You are allowed to take up space. You are allowed to stretch your arms out and feel no shame for existing.
People who do not/cannot empower you
Speaking gratitude into the world is a way of manifesting your reality.
What do you need in a relationship that will enable it to last for forever?
Instead of embracing who you are, they have an expectation of who they need you to be.
Sometimes there cannot be rain, sunshine, leaves falling, and flowers blooming all at the same time. We have to be okay with this. We have to accept that everything in our life has a time also.
An empath is someone who feels absolutely everything under the sun. If you are sad, so is an empath. If you are so excited about life, you better believe an empath will be on your same page
Rejection is simply the acknowledgment of misalignment.
Right this moment, you are in the midst of your own transformation without even knowing. Remember that just because things may feel stagnant or even so chaotic, it is all to prepare you for something better.
Put on a bathing suit even if you don’t wear it in front of anyone, practice behind alone in your own skin.