Retractions To My Autobiography
“I Can’t Believe It’s not Butter” is not, in fact, butter. Despite the assurances of the author, please disregard chapter five in its entirety.
“I Can’t Believe It’s not Butter” is not, in fact, butter. Despite the assurances of the author, please disregard chapter five in its entirety.
3. Reverse ‘Hitch’: I will sabotage your exes Tinder, Ok Cupid or Farmers Meet account to prevent them from meeting anyone better than you.
Still, some people feel weird about Twitter or social media in general. So, here are some quick thoughts on why we (I) tweet the way we (I) do.
Here is what it really means. When you are your own worst enemy, it means you are stalked, on good days and bad, by a self that knows your weakness.
Amongst the English Major, there is a hunger.
This is an open letter for all my favorite New Yorkers. Come to Boston.
2. Because content is empty, addictive, toxic and strange.
Writing is about communication. It connects on two levels: the basic and the evocative.
This is not the story of me being great or cool or thoughtful. The casting, again, was an accident. It is, instead, a story about how men and comedy fail women.
We take ourselves for granted and assume ourselves as the tofu standard all the world revolves around. People, things, and places, are compared to us and our lives. Is this place cold(er than the place I was raised?) Is this class dumb(ly difficult to me so I’ll dismiss it?)