29 Famous Politicians, And Their Rapper Alter Egos
George Washington is Biggie: Just the best, classic, constantly enjoyable.
George Washington is Biggie: Just the best, classic, constantly enjoyable.
Some of this might work for you, and some of it won’t. There will be a variety of tones and arguments, because depression and fear and desperation all take different hues and shades.
I was the class clown because I wanted you to like me. You don’t have to, but I hope you appreciate, at least, the intention behind it.
But New Yorkkkkkk, you say. New Yorkkkkkkkkk.
This is not a boast of how I kissed a girl, or an exploration of what it means to not text a girl you should’ve. But I hope this sheds some light on why guys — good guys, normal guys, allegedly nice guys — can be so bad.
Drink if the headline is a question with an obvious answer, like “Is Racism Bad?”
Alden makes extra Indian food, Claire is always there to listen, and Russell lets you play on all his video-game accounts even though he takes them pretty seriously and you’re kind of awful.
21. If you’re dating someone who gives you a bad feeling, that’s called foreshadowing.
But you are normal. Okay? Really.
Looking ahead is only natural, and it’s that inclination of ambition which drives us forward. But, for your mental health, it’s important to center yourself in the context of your life.