This Holiday Season, Hold On To Both The Grief And The Gratitude
Grief and gratitude intertwined in the fabric of our everyday experiences. And as we enter further into the holiday season, I’m carrying the hurt and hopefulness together.
Grief and gratitude intertwined in the fabric of our everyday experiences. And as we enter further into the holiday season, I’m carrying the hurt and hopefulness together.
The truth is, I can’t navigate the storms alone. I need a Captain. And it is not me. It’s God.
It may take longer than you thought it would. That’s okay. It may have lots of ups and downs.
The desire to appear perfect is strong in all of us, but we have so much more to offer this world when we show them authenticity instead.
Maybe the beauty in life comes from knowing that while we are constantly walking through the good and the bad.
So, this is how you take your life back. You stop investing all of your emotions into what others think of you. You start caring more about what you think of yourself.
Tough love isn’t meant to harden your heart. It is meant to open your eyes to the fact that you’re standing in your own way.
I’m worth a love that grows and energizes, not this toxic version of romance I have become so accustomed to.
Thank you for showing me that my worth was never yours to decide.
I am someone who is worthy of love and who is capable of growing and adapting every single day.