22 Short Reminders For When Things Aren’t Turning Out The Way They’re ‘Supposed’ To
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” – George Bernard Shaw.
Making a pact with a friend to try one entirely new thing every week, and then making a list of those things and a schedule. And then following through.
“Our motto is, when they go low, we go high.”
The best way to feel like you “won” isn’t trying to top someone else. It’s not caring what they’re up to because you’re so damn busy killing it.
Comparing yourself to people you think are doing life better than you are. People are not doing life “better” than you. People are moving at different paces all around you, and that is okay.
When you are on a team with a single parent, you are each other’s first line of defense. You are each other’s be all and end all. And you learn that no matter what happens, and no matter who else comes into their life, that you are always their number one.
Positivity. The great thing about the sun being out more often than not is that it really does boost your mood. Allow that positivity to run through you and influence your day in a good way as often as possible.
You aren’t supposed to be with someone who likes the changed version of you. That isn’t what love should be built on.
Michael Phelps winning gold in London in the 100m Butterly. Watching Phelps’ mom is almost better than watching Phelps. She is 100% the true Olympian.
But when Jojo is on cloud nine claiming that nothing can go wrong, and then is immediately handed a magazine that was also planted in the boys room, that’s going a little far.