The Power Of Perspective
There will always be a mountain to hurdle, a problem to solve, something to ail you, the world, or those you love. But negativity grows when you feed it. Positivity does too. So why not choose the positive?
There will always be a mountain to hurdle, a problem to solve, something to ail you, the world, or those you love. But negativity grows when you feed it. Positivity does too. So why not choose the positive?
Don’t panic. Just because the mojo is not flowing at the moment doesn’t mean you’re going to be creatively dry for the rest of time.
I hope you know that even though you’re resilient, it’s okay to reflect that some things did burn. Some wounds are still healing. Some pain still lingers.
Where there is a blank page, there is a potential for a masterpiece, and I hope you think of your life as that blank page.
When you put your focus on your phone instead of people, you’re being rude.
I hope you see that you are a glorious creature who’s capable of magnificent and glorious things.
I hope you learn that you can use the power of your anger without becoming an angry person.
It’s ok to celebrate your intelligence.
Arya has a spirit that has withstood the greatest horrors that can occur to another human, and yet, she does not break beyond repair. Instead, Arya is able to piece herself back together in a way that makes her stronger, bolder, and smarter.
Stop wishing the week away to Friday and start focusing on finding moments of joy throughout your day when you need it the most.