This Is What His Tinder Profile Pic Says About His Dating Life
Guy who goes on fucking fantastic adventures. Two words: commitment issues. If half of his pictures are him backpacking across Europe, he’s only looking for something casual.
Guy who goes on fucking fantastic adventures. Two words: commitment issues. If half of his pictures are him backpacking across Europe, he’s only looking for something casual.
IKEA furniture. If you’ve moved into your own place after getting your first job, studies show that 88% of your furniture will be from IKEA.
I am lucky. I am privileged.
3. You embrace the middle of the bed in all its spacious glory.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 23 years, it’s that the human heart doesn’t mend in a linear pattern.
It’s almost effortless to lose sight of our fortunes. It’s simple to succumb to feelings of entitlement. It’s no problem to let vital lessons escape from our minds. And it’s also easy to find reminders.
There are periods when we’re consistently impatient, judgmental, sad, angry, etc. and we can choose to dissociate with these past versions of us through the practicing and touting of our shame, but let’s ask ourselves this simple question: where would you be without him or her?
I realized I had two choices: spend my life bitter or accept it. I don’t want to spend my life bitter, so I won’t.
For a while, though, we’ll mull over past events, overanalyzing every little moment, hoping that some missing variable will suddenly strike us; so that’s why that happened. That’s why she left. That’s why I didn’t land that job. To do so is only natural, but don’t let it last too long.
Whether you’re single or taken, you should never stop dedicating time to yourself and what’s important to you. You don’t need someone else to validate what you’re interested in.