11 Signs Your Dog Is The Reason You’re Still Single
You reserve Friday nights for snuggling with your dog. Netflix and chill? No thank you, your dog is a much better cuddler than that potential hookup.
You reserve Friday nights for snuggling with your dog. Netflix and chill? No thank you, your dog is a much better cuddler than that potential hookup.
You become chronically pessimistic about love. Believing in love is like believing in the tooth fairy, and that’s what you constantly tell your friends and family. Chronic pessimism is a side effect of dating one too many jerks, but try to keep your glass half full, not empty.
“I don’t think a guy’s physical appearance is always indicative of how he will treat a woman. Just because he looks like a god doesn’t mean he will treat you like dirt, and just because he’s ugly doesn’t mean he’ll treat you like a princess.”
When you had the same teachers they were shocked you were his/her sibling. They recognized your last name when taking attendance, and were most likely terrified or pleasantly surprised.
Just because you never said it, doesn’t mean you didn’t feel it.
This only began to be a game when we both began to be afraid of losing, but what we need to realize is that we’re not opponents. I’m not against you, I’m with you.
“If I think the guy has ultimate boyfriend potential, I’m probably not going to sleep with him too soon. But then there are the guys who are so damn fine that I absolutely can’t resist them, and yes I will have sex with those guys, but I’m also secretly hoping they’ll want to be my boyfriend after.”
When you’re just not feeling your day-to-day routine, but realistically can’t get away, it can leave you feeling uninspired. The good news is you don’t need to move cross-country to feel renewed.
“I never got enough from him, but he gave me more than anyone else.”
A naked cave woman, child birth, and dying goats, The Leftovers season 2 premiere is anything but boring, and these tweets prove it! Find out why we can’t stop watching!