These Are The Things We Left Unsaid
I don’t like the way it feels inadequate, I don’t want to fill your head with words I don’t know if I’ll ever find the courage to say again and again.
I don’t like the way it feels inadequate, I don’t want to fill your head with words I don’t know if I’ll ever find the courage to say again and again.
He still makes me breathless, after all these years. I took a different path to avoid running into him, but every road leads to him in the end.
Ask people what they want in this life and see how differently they answer that question.
They say that everyone can fall in love, but not everyone can stay in it.
I keep hearing your farewell words over and over again, hoping one day I’ll forget how it felt to watch you walk away with your own heart in pieces and so was mine.
I’ll try to understand things you don’t want anyone to understand. I’ll try to understand you.
Compete only with yourself.
I hope you have the inner strength to face the battles inside your head and heart that you don’t let anybody see.
Here’s to all the love you gave and deserve but never got in return.
I’m the choices I made, I’m the pool of tears on the table, I’m the sad songs in your playlist