This Is How I Want To Spend My Life With You

I hope we’d always look at each other with the same conviction. Like how we chose each other over a crowd of 7.2 billion, like how your heart beats only for me, and mine for you.

Here’s The Type of Love You Truly Deserve

You deserve a love that motivates you. One that whispers “keep going” when it gets too hard to make a step further, one that will open your eyes to every beautiful thing that roams the Earth. A type of love that will let you appreciate even the most difficult experiences; and will make you realize that every sad scene accounts for a happy ending.

I Won’t Apologize For Loving You

I’m not sorry for loving too hard, and I guarantee I will still love the way I did if given another chance. I will never regret giving my all, even if it meant hurting myself. The person in me understands that loving can hurt, but it understands all the more that love can heal, and it could help a person grow.

Loving Yourself Is Not Selfish

Self-love is not selfish; in fact it is enriched with uptight caring for others. It is a unique way of saying “hey, I would like to love myself first, so I can love you more”