The Truth Is It Was Easy To Replace You
It was easy to replace you because you always replaced me.
It was easy to replace you because you always replaced me.
But you were not realistic. You were not brave. You were not strong. You were always afraid to shine. You were always afraid of challenges.
The day I leave will be the day you ask yourself if I even liked you because I will leave quietly. I will leave without making a scene. I will leave throwing everything you gave me behind including the memories.
I want you to be with someone who wants to give you their heart back because they’ve found their home in yours.
Here’s to the hardest five years of my life I’ll never get back, but here’s to the next five years of my life that I’m all prepared for. The calm after the storm.
I hope you look at me and understand because you know what it’s like to be misunderstood too. To be judged.
To be broken by a life you did not choose.
Give because giving makes you richer. Give because some people may be in desperate need of your love and kindness even if they can’t reciprocate it.
Because sometimes our hearts need to move for the wrong ones so they can recognize the right one.
I stopped apologizing for the way I feel. I stopped trying to mold my heart into what society expects it to be.
Sometimes I wonder if you still have my number or if you deleted it because I never hear from you.