This Is How You Can Change Your Story

I’m finally learning that it doesn’t have to be a sad story with no destination. I’m finally learning that I can still change the ending. I can still make it a happy one.

Sometimes I Wonder If Maybe I Hadn’t Done Enough To Keep You

Maybe I really didn’t do my part as much as I thought I did, maybe I didn’t give my all, maybe I preach about loving too hard but when it came to loving you, I fell short. I backed off. I was afraid of how hard the fall may be. I was afraid of not getting up.

If You’re Going To Run, Run Away From Average

Run from the sad and painful stories that tell you that there’s no way out of this hell, run from the stories that feed you all the lies about why you can’t accomplish something amazing or how you’ll never find that old-fashioned romance you’ve been wishing for or how you’ll never be able to have the best of both worlds.

Maybe You’re A Hunter But I’m A Lover

You see, the difference between us is that you like hunting but you don’t know what you’re hunting because you don’t want to actually catch anything, you just like the thrill of the hunt, the adrenaline rush, the things that don’t last but I like to love. I like to show that I care. I like commitment. I like intimacy.

The Truth About Boys Like You

You may wonder about me,
you may occasionally miss me,
you may ask about me
but you will never love me.
Because boys like you don’t really love,
boys like you only know how to take.

Love Is Not Destructive, But People Are

Love is not mean. People are when they say they love you and then hurt you. When they make you feel special and then drop you like you meant nothing. When they find a way to unlock your heart and then lose the key.