8 (Out Of Many) Things I’ve Learned By Age 17
I have since learned that I was 100%, completely and utterly wrong.
I have since learned that I was 100%, completely and utterly wrong.
When giving to charity this holiday season, please remember to give responsibly.
4. Intense patriotism—flags everywhere.
You know it is all completely irrational. Every other person on the earth seems to get by and really, how much different are they from you? You are an intelligent person. Why can’t you work it out just like everyone else?
6. It is vitally important to your friendships that your friends understand the amazing magical world of Harry Potter.
Vegetarianism is generally a healthier way of life while also lessening my impact on the planet AND the animals AND the people who inhabit it.
1. Movie Marathons
In this modern era, feminists need not burn their bras and boast about their hairy legs. We’re in an era of feminism that promotes individual choice.
When it feels like every single day, you have to push against everything telling you to give up. Emotions are fickle. But you’ve likely changed more than you realize.